Monday, July 25, 2016

Crime, Armed Forces and High Court

1. Yesterday in the news papers a judgement of the Delhi High Court was reported which concerned a cadet who was undergoing training in Air Force Academy. The judgement though very humanitarian and may go well in the normal public life, but when looked in the light of the requirement of the qualities which an officers should have in the armed forces, does not look correct.
2. The facts of the matter as reported in the newspaper are that a cadet in the Air Force Academy stole the ATM card of another cadet an then used it to withdraw Rs.5000/= from his account. When the cadet came to know of the theft and withdrawal of money from his account, he reported the matter to his instructor as he is required and taught to do. An assembly was called and the theft of ATM card and withdrawal of money was informed to all cadets undergoing training. The person responsible for the theft was asked to own up the theft of ATM card and money but nobody came out to own it up.  Some time was given to all to think over it and own it up either in the assembly or later on in private to the authorities, but nobody came forward. Next day the cadet, whose ATM card was stolen found a note under his pillow where the person owned up the theft by saying he was a friend and he stole it as he needed the money. The note was anonymous with no signature.  However, with the handwriting the Air Force authorities were able to find the cadet who committed the theft and a disciplinary proceedings were initiated against and he was asked to leave the Academy as he does not possess Office Like qualities(OLQ). The matter was not reported to police as the authorities did not wish criminal proceedings against the cadet an to put a black mark against hi future life outside Air Force. It was a good humanitarian gesture on their part. The cadet in his defense said that he had no intention of stealing and he had Rs.13000/= in his account but his ATM was blocked and he needed the money and hence he theft. It will be pertinent to state that the whole training cost including cost of stay, food, uniform, cycle, etc are met by the Air Force and there is no requirement of cash unless the person wants  to go to city 40 Km away and enjoy, which is also possible once a week and only after proper permission.  The person stole the ATM and money whereas he could have easily taken a loan from his friends in Academy or requested the instructors. He choose o steal only gives out his mindset and intentions. He stole the money as well did not have the courage to own it up at any stage when given a chance is an unpardonable act in armed forces and only points o very low OLQ of the person.
The high Court in their judgment as reported in newspapers stated that the punishment was not commensurate with the offense and the cadet is to be reinstated back in the Academy to finish his training and get commission. The court further said that there was no charge against the cadet during last three years of his training (Probably he was Ex NDA cadet who opted for Air Force) and it was his first offense and he should be given a chance to repent his mistake. I do not know what all arguments took place in the court but looking only at the judgement it was a humanitarian judgement and the court tried to save the future of the person and will be well appreciated in civil life. The Judges probably were carried away from the requirements in ordinary civil life and had no inkling of requirements of the Armed Forces. In my opinion they have done more harm to the person than would have been done if they had upheld the dismissal from training. The armed forces depend very heavily on the trust which subordinates and the fellow officers including the senior’s place on an individual. With this person this trust will always will be missing. The problems faced by the person will be:-
1. He will not be able to get the trust of subordinates and fellow officers as he will always be a thief in their mind. This is the most important aspect of the life in Armed Forces.
2.  Will I have him under me or to command me, absolutely not?
3. His Confidential report will always be low on OLQ, hence his chances of promotion will be severely affected.
4.  Irrespective of where he gets posted his reputation will precede him.
5. Will his subordinates look up to him as an example to follow, sadly no?
6. Will he get important assignments or postings, very doubtful?
In total his career and life in Air Force will be very painful unless he is made of thick skin. He reminds me of the qualities and character described by Chin- Ning Chu in her famous book “ Thick Face Black Heart and her advice to all corporate world to be aware, avoid, shun  and be careful of such persons .

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