The recent agitation by the Patel community in Gujarat and
the Jat agitation in Rajasthan have brought the issue of reservation to the
forefront. Today it is these two but tomorrow will bring more castes to agitate
and demand reservation and hold the public and nation to ransom. This type of
agitation will not only inconveniences the general public but also leads to
loss of money for the nation in terms of loss of production but also loss of
property of government but also of public at large. Does in the name of agitation
some group of persons permitted to hold the public at large to ransom and loss
of property? The time is right for the government to think whether the right to
agitation and hold nation to ransom is a right at all or needs to be taken away
and replaced by a public right to live peacefully devoid of such disruptive
right. What about my right to peaceful enjoyment of the public services or my
right to peaceful existence in the society?
The reservation was brought by the framers of constitution for
the upliftment of marginalized section off society to occupy their useful place
in the society and was initially expected to be only for a few years. Successive
government instead of finishing this after 10 years not only kept on extending it
but also added more and more people not on the basis of economic criteria but
on the basis of caste. The basket or reservation kept on increasing and now as
per Supreme Court it is restricted to 50%. But people are not happy with it and
more and more castes are demanding the reservation and this basket is set to
grow larger and larger. The dilemma is that the benefit of reservation is going
to a few people who are already well off or had become well off after taking
benefit of reservation but not to other persons in the caste. It is being
cornered by some persons in that caste and a majority of persons are denied
this benefit. Why could not the government
come out with a policy that once the benefit of reservation has been given to a
person then his son and daughters will not get any benefit and it should go
only to those families who have not so far availed it? But the politics demands
that such a move will not get them votes and hence vote bank policy forces them
not to bring out such a bold move.
Is the reservation answer to all our ills of the past?
People think so, that is past mistakes can be corrected by making more
mistakes. It is the famous Sunk Cost dilemma and we are very good at it. Whatever
mistakes we have committed in the past cannot be corrected by making more
mistakes of the same kind or sinking more costs in the same mistake. More
reservation is definitely not the answer.
Either, you take away the reservation for caste by replacing it with
economic criteria only and that too for one generation only or the other option
is to say that all tribes and castes will come under the reservation and it
will be 100% for all citizens of India. The third option is to remove the
reservation at all so that there is no reservation for any person in India and
all are equal. This will remove the problem of inefficient persons from
occupying high positions and will bring in efficiency, expertise and boldness
in the government machinery. Of course there will be still the issue of persons
belonging to marginalized section of society. There issue can be addressed by
giving them the right to food, shelter and education so that they or their sons
and daughters can become responsible persons the society and can contribute
with their intelligence and expertise.
Either way it will have to be a bold decision and this will
shape the destiny of the country in years to come and for this all political parties
will have to come together and rise above their vote bank politics and shed
their personal agenda in favor of a national agenda for making a better, more
educated, skilled and prosperous India..
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