Saturday, September 19, 2020

Right of woman


On woman's Day Dedicated to the most important woman in my life who not only changed me but also changed my outlook to life.
Rights of a Woman
1. Streedhan. This includes all movable or immovable assets or gift before, during or after the marriage. She has absolute right over it.
2. Maintenance. By husband if she is not able to support her financially.
3. Child Maintenance. Is to be provided by husband for support of kids and even marriage of daughter.
4. Residence. To stay in the matrimonial house. It can be a one acquired by husband, belongs to parents, an ancestral house, joint family or rented provided by employer.
5. Committed Relationship. If the husband is living with another woman without divorce or has committed adultery then an FIR under section 497 IPC.
6. Dignity and Respect. Entitled to same standard of lifestyle and comfort as her husband. No physical or mental torture.
7. Parent’s Property. Right to a share in the property of her parents.
8. Domestic Violence. Right to file FIR against domestic violence.
9. Dowry Harassment. Right to file FIR against dowry harassment.
10. Divorce. A woman has four more ground to file for divorce than her spouse.

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