Thursday, July 23, 2020

Being Unreasonable

Reasonable people agree with what everybody else does or says but unreasonable men question the way of doing things and this brings in improvements"
George Bernard Shaw
But unfortunately so called unreasonable people are demonized and labelled as outcast or called spoilers. If you keep doing the things as others are doing then there is no improvement but stagnation. To bring in new ideas , new ways of doing things you need the question the way we are doing things. If you do it the way others are doing then you will get the same results but to get different results you need to do it in a totally different way. Sometimes you need to look at the things from a totally different perspective or what some people call out of box approach.
In a book "Be Unreasonable" Paul lemberg talks about the unconventional way to extraordinary business results and talk about Be Uncompromising, Be demanding, Be Critical , Be outrageous and Be prepared. The biggest hurdle in being unreasonable is the fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) of risk of rejection ,small words like it has never been done before, it is not right, or the customers will think you are crazy, etc, etc. The only way out is not to pay heed to these voices in your head and outside and take a risk..

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