Saturday, March 19, 2022

Hit And Run-Road Accident


Government has recently notified enhanced compensation to be paid to victims which will be effective from 1 Apr 2022. The procedure has been simplified , made time bound and to be done at a local taluk level by submission of a half a page of application in the given format to the tehsildar or SDM. Fund has been created which will cater to this requirement. The payment authority is the DM.
The application is to be given to local tehsildar or SDM called the enquiry officer who will also obtain the copy of FIR from police and decide the case within 15 days and give to the DM for payment. If claim is rejected then intimation and reason will be communicated.
The amount in hit and run cases will be Rs.50000/= for grievously hurt and Rs. 2 lacs for death. In case the vehicle or owner is traced then the amount will be Rs 2 lacs for grievously injured and Rs.5 lacs for death to be paid by insurance company but with a condition that one can not approach the MACT for enhanced compensation later. Free treatment if given at hospital will be deducted and paid to hospital directly.

Right Question or Right Answer


While I was discussing Business Ethics in my management class one of the bright student asked me a question
" What is more important asking the right question or giving the right answer?"
This was quite sometime back and at that time the only answer I could logically think was this is like asking which is more important the chicken or the egg. But instead of answering I just gave the issue back and asked the student to decide which is more important.
If one asks the wrong question then even if you give the wrong answer then still the answer is wrong as the question was wrong and if one gives the right answer to a wrong question then still it would be wrong because the question was wrong.
But if one asks the right question then the answer can be wrong or right hence there is still a 50% probability that one would get the right answer. So decide for yourself as to what type of question one wishes to ask.
But in the modern age of social media where news travels faster than light I would tend to somewhat agree with Vinod Sujanji that even if you know the correct answer to a right question then one should deliberately give a wrong answer because then there will be hundreds of people who will point out your mistake and correct you and reaffirm your faith in your correct answer. Wrong gets more answers than the correct answer. So the end remains the same that ask the right question even though both are two sides of the same coin and one can not logically answer as to what is more important the chicken or the egg.