Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Problems and Solutions


                                                   Problem And Solution

Somebody once said. “It is not the problem to say that this is the problem but it is the solution to the problem and that is the main problem”. 

What is more relevant, the problem or its solution? Well they are the same side of a coin and separating one from another is not possible. But what is more important is the proper definition of the problem one faces and this is area where most of us fail. We tend to treat symptoms as problem and hence try to do a fire fighting exercise in order to overcome it. We would prefer to douse the fire rather than try to find out as to what caused the fire and address the issue. In my opinion it would be prudent to prevent the occurrence of fire after dousing the fire and to ensure that we are prepared and prevent the occurrence of fire by adequate measures. Toyota does it in a very simple way, whenever they encounter an issue or problem they try to get to the basic issue by asking “WHY” at least five times or till they do not get any further answer to why. This why is a powerful tool to get to the basic problem or issue? This proper definition of the problem is the basis of all problem solving.  Once a proper identification of the issue is done then one can try to solve the issue. All problems are not solvable and it is possible that one may encounter a problem for the first time or a problem for which no solution at present exists and then it becomes necessary to either develop a totally new solution or if it still remains unsolvable then a proper management of the issue is the only solution.

To solve a problem it would be prudent to categorize the problem and then try the thinking process most appropriate to address it. A problem can be divided into four different categories and each category demands a different approach to solve it.

Category 1-These are the problems which can be solved at the individual level by the person himself by either arranging the information already available with him or find analogy from the past or gathering information on his own to arrive at a solution. Such problems are best solved by logical thinking which we routinely use. These are the routine decisions which every individual makes a number of times in his daily life. To take route 1 or route two, use own vehicle or use public transport, where to shop, etc.

Category 2- These are the problems for which no solution exists within the knowledge of the individual or any other way or the knowledge is not sufficient and he is forced to seek an advice or opinion from others or experts in order to get a solution to the problem. These are the problems which one encounters less frequently and once in a while only. These are best solved by more information gathering and using logical thinking or adhering to the advice of experts. The example could be,illness, buying a house or make a house, go or not to go on foreign holiday and where, etc.

Category 3- These are the problems for which no solution exists with the individual or from experts and it is one which one has encountered for the first time. These problems/issues cannot be solved by logical thinking as available in the first two categories but a different thinking approach is to be used. One refer to such approaches as out of box thinking or more commonly known as creative problem solving  using the techniques of creative thinking. This simply means that one has to create a solution to the problem/issue.

Category 4- These are the problems for which with the present knowledge no solution can be found or can be created and they can be at best labelled as unsolvable at present but it does not mean that in future they cannot be solved. These are the problem that needs to be managed properly by using the techniques of positive thinking. Examples of such issues could be incurable diseases, menopause, etc.